Sunday, November 23, 2008

TOS #20: Court Martial

Sometimes you have to stand up to your superiors, like Captain Kirk.

Kirk: So that's the way we do it now-- sweep it under the rug and me along with it. Not on your life. I intend to fight.
Stone: Then you draw a general court!
Kirk: Draw it? I demand it. And right now, Commodore Stone, right now.

So, since he has to go to court, he gets advice from his lawyer/ex-girlfriend. Then he finds out she's the prosecutor.

Luckily, Spock beats the computer at chess, realizes someone has tampered with it, and figures out it must be the missing Finney. Kirk finds him, gets his short torn, pounds him into submission, then saves the ship.

And Finney wonders why he never made Captain...

TOS #16: The Galileo Seven

This is the first episode that is purely a study of Spock's character. After crash landing on a weird planet where this, highly illogical, twelve-foot behemoth terrorizes Spock's science party, Scotty saves the day with a little Twenty-Thousand-Leagues electricity magic.

And the whole bridge crew has a good laugh about Spock's highly logical illogical behavior.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

TOS #13: The Conscience of the King

Spock: "How did you know this lady was coming aboard?"
Kirk: "I'm the Captain."

Kirk simultaneously solves a murder mystery, serves as an intergalactic tribunal, and seduces a hot 19-year old actress in order to get information.

Bones: "Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl?"
Spock: "It occurred. I dismissed it."
Bones: "You would."

The Captain uses this pimp face... get some info. Spock figures out what's going on independently. Then, with the inside info, they catch the eugenicist butcher and murderer. There's also a certain vengeance-vs-clemency-of-Caesar theme in this episode. There are more precursors to Star Trek 2 in this one as well.

The episode ends with a perfect Hamlet conclusion.

Friday, November 7, 2008

TOS #8: Miri

This is an awesome episode in which it is suggested that the presence of Captain Kirk can accelerate the onset of puberty, in girls like this one, Miri:

Turns out she also has a crazy disease and might go postal at any time (become a woman). In order to keep her busy and keep her from knowing what's going on, the Captain asks her to sharpen a lot of pencils.

This works, and everyone lives happily ever after.